Coaching companies
according to Coaching & Coaching

  • It's about supporting the development of managers and executives within a framework that encourages commitment to lasting change.
  • It means finding the right balance to meet the needs of each individual and the organisation > cooperation
  • Creating time to reflect and recharge one's batteries in order to explore professional change > trust
  • It means broadening or regaining possibilities for action, by untying the knots that emerge > creativity
You are a company

My main coaching interventions in companies

Internal mobility

I work in the career development for executives and managers, their change of function / new responsibilitiesthe taking on high-stakes jobsthe acquisition of a managerial or leadership posture.


Global mobility

I work for better integrate your international employees and retain them over the long termand to prepare your French employees for a move abroad.


Team dynamics

I work for assess where teams are in terms of change in progress, (re)working on interactions and create a new dynamic for collective success.

How does in-company coaching work with Coaching & Coaching?

2 options for tailor-made support

  • Team coaching in the form of face-t-face workshops with teams, for which I work with my certified coaching partners
  • 1-on-1 coaching, with face-to-face or remote sessions

You play an active role in all types of coaching : the line manager and/or Human Resources are present at the start of the coaching process, and then at the end to share the results in a tripartite relationship.

2 financing options

  • With your training budget, thanks to my Qualiopi certification
  • Or directly with a dedicated budget

Read our article on how to assess the ROI of business coaching

I've taken two coaching courses, one in individual coaching and the other in group coaching, and every year I continue to dedicate time to developing my practice and my posture.

All of my expertise is now recognised with dual professional certification: in France, RNCP (Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles) and internationally with ICF (International Coach Federation) certification.

And since launching my professional coaching activity, I have chosen to be supervised by a psychosociologist during regular supervision sessions.

So I don't do life coaching or personal coaching.

The systemic approach focuses on the interactions between the individual and his system. Each individual is placed in a system of interactions which he interprets according to his own references and representations. This approach involves taking a global view of human situations as interactions within the "professional world" system, itself broken down into sub-systems such as organisations, companies, etc.

In professional coaching, we think about how to modify the modes of interaction within each system and sub-system. The systemic approach helps to change the coachee's perspective, to look at the situation from a different angle. It aims to build the solution step by step through experimentation and role-playing. In this way, the solution is gradually built up during the coaching sessions through the collaborative work between coach and coachee, and as the relationship of trust develops.

There are a number of professional coaching solutions available to help individuals with their professional development. Here are just a few of the coaching solutions available:

  • Company coachingIn-company coaching: individual or group support to help develop the new skills, adaptability, interpersonal skills and attitudes needed to achieve professional goals, while reducing professional difficulties. In-company coaching can be effective if the coachee commits to it voluntarily.
  • Skills assessment: individual, personalised support to help you take stock of your skills, aptitudes, motivations and career aspirations. This is often the first step in defining a coherent career plan and a plan of action for professional development.
  • Vocational training: ongoing training programmes (technical training, diploma training, etc.) that enable the development of specific skills or the improvement of skills to contribute to performance in the workplace.
  • Career guidance: guidance services to help people identify career development options that match their skills, interests and aspirations, so that they can take on new roles based on their professional experience.
  • Support groups: groups of peers who share similar experiences and offer mutual support in solving professional problems.
  • Mentoring programmes: programmes where an experienced mentor guides a less experienced mentee through their own experience to help them develop their professional skills, for example their managerial skills.
  • Online training: online training courses offered by training organisations to develop specific skills at your own pace.
  • Networking events: events organised to enable professionals to meet other professionals, exchange ideas and establish professional contacts.

Whether undergone or provoked, change generates uncertainty and anxiety within teams. Collective coaching helps to (re)create a collective dynamic to act on the new common future that is taking shape, with specific tools and according to the main axes, enabling teams to :

  • (Re)mobilising around a new vision, values and a shared project
  • Develop their cohesion and co-responsibility in the success of changeImprove efficiency and collective intelligence
  • (Re)developing their relationships with their environment (other entities, etc.)

This is the case, for example, for executive committee teams or teams of managers.

Also read our article on the ROI and benefits of business coaching 

Find out more about coaching companies
