Making a success of the key stages of change with
Coaching & Coaching

New opportunities for self-fulfilment in complex and uncertain professional situations.
New perspectives for developing adaptability, skills and resources.

Professional coaching for managers and senior executives, 1-on-1 and team coaching. 

Internal reorganisation, company takeovers or mergers, arrival of a new manager, professional retraining, change of employer, change of function, redundancy, etc.

  • We've all experienced professional turning points that have thrown us into a moment of uncertainty. A time when we need to change our perspective, learn, question and evolve.
  • You feel as if you're on the edge of something: you've left a situation or a way of operating behind, and you can't yet see the other side. You're somewhere between what was and what will be.
  • Everyone sets the cursor where they want it: a transition is not necessarily radical or irrevocable. But every career change forces us to adapt, whatever its nature, whether we chose it or not, whether we are reluctant or enthusiastic, whether it is superimposed on a personal change or not.

We wonder what to do when the internal compass that usually guides us becomes difficult to decipher in complex and uncertain situations?

Coaching & Coaching: what our clients have to say Delphine Joubert

Let's work together!

Coaching & Coaching and Delphine Joubert are there to support you every step of the way with tailor-made solutions.

What are the advantages of executive coaching with Delphine Joubert, at a turning point in your career?


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ICF certified coach

You are a company

You are an individual

Smooth change together

The challenges of change at work according to Coaching & Coaching

To begin with, it's important to clarify the difference between a change and a transition. A change comes from the outside, the situation changes, and it can happen quickly. A transition comes from within, it's a journey, a reorientation to be made in response to the change - and it can take time.

Transitions are a source of discomfort for several reasons:



The 3 fundamentals of change at work

Evolving requires effort, and it's not immediately clear whether that effort is really worthwhile. So we resist, because all we can see is what we're going to lose. In reality, it's not the change itself that we resist, but often the fear of losing what we had before. 


Organisations only change when people change. To change a situation or an organisation, we first have to take into account the people involved, starting with ourselves, and the range of our emotions.


Adapting requires not only identifying what needs to be changed, but also what to preserve that still works well.


If you're feeling held back, stuck, cornered, cornered, trapped, or just plain cramped at a professional turning point...

If you say to yourself:

"I don't know where to start..."

"I don't understand what's expected of me".

"I don't see any point in changing, it was fine the way it was".

"I don't know what to decide

"I don't dare move until I see what the others will do..."

You've come to the right place!


I work with my clients to help them understand what they want and how to get it, to help them turn their situation around and make their career path a success.

"What if we don't change at all...
and something magical just happens?"

Coaching & Coaching's approach to supporting change at work

  • With 1-on-1 coaching, with face-to-face or remote sessions
  • With Team coaching with face-to-face workshops with teams, for which I work with my certified coaching partners

Team coaching

Team dynamics

Team dynamics

1-on-1 Coaching

Internal mobility

Internal mobility

Global mobility

Professional retraining

Why did I specialise in this area of work change?

Some changes can shake us up and challenge us, especially in complex, uncertain situations. Others force us to develop new skills, change our beliefs and behaviours. 

Through 20 years of professional experience in consulting and then coaching, I have experimented with different change management approaches, from facilitation to training and mentoring.

Companies and individuals who come to Coaching & Coaching often ask these questions:

  • Which way to go?
  • How can you be sure it's the right direction, the right decision?
  • I know the goal, the final destination, but how do I get there?
  • How can you make this career change a reality?

My role as a coach is not to make my clients happy about the transition they are going through. It's about helping each person and each team to make this change while taking into account their discomfort. It's to help them make the adjustments that will help them thrive in a new environment.

Why choose me?

If, after reading this, you're convinced or curious about working with me to face your future together, whether it's a dream or a current work change, contact me and let's see how I can help you on your journey!

Let's schedule a meeting to get to know each other and see if coaching might be right for you - it's free and there's no obligation!
