Professional retraining

When we think of retraining, we think of an engineer who becomes a wine merchant or a consultant who becomes a relaxation therapist. But Reorienting your career does not automatically mean making a 180° change. It means thinking about the next step in your career. You may want to change jobs and go back to training, or stay in the same profession by moving from a large company to a family-run business, or by going from salaried employment to self-employment.

The challenges of professional retraining

Different challenges for different situations

Few of us have - or want - a linear career. We have the right to change our minds and take a zigzag route. But we need to know how to get from A to B, and also how to adapt and change direction.

  • Not sure whether to keep your core expertise or change it?
  • Do you feel guilty about considering something new?
  • Does your professional life no longer match your private life?
  • Do you dream of making a change but don't know how or what to do?
  • You're in the right place to recalibrate and reset your career, by imagining the future.

To maximise their personal satisfaction and their impact on the company, Managers and employees who have spent years in demanding roles need an opportunity to renew their professional lives with new challenges that motivate them.

What are the common issues involved in professional retraining?

Our approach to career transition

Depending on the level of seniority, career repositioning support often aims to :

  • Identify your deepest sources of professional motivation
  • Deconstruct what is blocking you, your beliefs, and sort out the questions that help you move forward and those that hold you back.
  • Gain self-confidence by becoming aware of your added value
  • Take the plunge and give yourself the right to trial and error
  • Draw up your SMART action plan (specific, measurable, ambitious-achievable, realistic and time-bound)

If you're not sure what type of job or sector might appeal to you, or where to start, I can help you :

  1. Define a new career plan that suits you and the French job market
  2. Make your career plan a reality, by removing obstacles and activating your resources

We'll also be able to discuss: new scenarios; different career paths; issues relating to contractual redundancy, resignation and, more generally, leaving your company; your possible training plans, etc.

The benefits of my one-to-one coaching

We start by getting to know each other to see if we'd like to work together, during an initial one-hour discussion. If we choose each other, we're in! If we decide not to work together, I won't be billing this first meeting.


I suggest tailor-made coaching I define the number of sessions, duration, frequency and location (face-to-face or remote), depending on the context and needs of each individual. I can also suggest (or not) exercises to do between sessions.


I am working in French or English.

Let's work together!

Coaching & Coaching can support you every step of the way with tailor-made solutions.

Career transition support services

reconversion professionnelle - mains sur clavier - coaching & coaching


Questions I am often asked about my career transition coaching

A skills assessment means taking stock of your (past) career path and your professional situation. It's a useful way of identifying your skills, taking a step back, (re)building your self-confidence by building on your strengths and achievements, and finally (re)giving coherence to the different stages of your career. Contrary to popular belief, however, an assessment stops precisely at the point where a (future) career plan is being defined, be it to change jobs, develop skills or look for work.

This is where a skills assessment can usefully pass the baton to career coaching, which can define the next steps in concrete terms and give meaning, in this professional transition, to the new step chosen.

Yes and no! Depending on your level of experience and responsibilities, choosing your new career position can be done in a matter of days or weeks, once the preparatory work has been completed. Coaching is a complete career assessment, an in-depth career plan, a genuine transition plan, with an action plan to 'sell' your plan. This work of maturing, this process of reconversion, takes time and experience, and I know that skipping this stage is a risk. At the end of the day, the real question is: how long does it take to make the right decision to move towards your future activity, your future profession?

A career transition coach is there to help you, to guide you and to save you time.

There are a number of careers that you can consider when you go on a career transitiondepending on your interests and aspirations. Here is a list of 10 sectors to help you think about it, bearing in mind that there is no one sector of activity that is more recommended than another - it's all a question of desires, acquired skills and commitment.

This list is based on sectors of activity, and does not represent the differences in levels of responsibility between positions.

Digital professions: web developer, social network community manager, IT engineer, data scientist, cybersecurity specialist, etc.

Health professions: nurse, laboratory technician, occupational therapist, dietician, etc.

Education professions: teacher, trainer, guidance counsellor, etc.

Sales and marketing professions: sales representative, marketing manager, community manager, etc.

Environment and sustainable development professions: environmental engineer, renewable energy specialist, etc.

Craft trades: cabinetmaker, upholsterer, dressmaker, etc.

Communications professions: copywriter, press officer, communications officer, etc.

Finance professions: financial analyst, wealth management advisor, etc.

Real estate professions: estate agent, property manager, etc.

Restaurant and hotel professions: chef, barman, receptionist, etc.

The salary you can expect to earn during a career change will depend largely on the profession you choose and your level of experience and skill in that field. It's important to understand that when you make a career change, you can expect a lower starting salary than you were earning before, as you may have to start in a junior position or on vocational training.

That said, there are a number of factors to consider when determining the average salary for a particular occupation. For example, you can consult job boards and salary surveys to find out what people in similar positions earn in your area. You can also talk to professionals in the trade to find out about typical earnings and career development prospects.

It's important not to focus solely on salary, as there are other benefits that can be linked to a job, such as fringe benefits, company culture, working hours and opportunities for training and professional development. It's important to find a job that you're passionate about and that will allow you to develop professionally, while offering fair pay.

Yes, Pôle Emploi can help you with your career transition project. The public employment service has a number of schemes to help jobseekers retrain.

Here are a few examples of the services offered by Pôle Emploi for people undergoing vocational retraining and/or acting as jobseekers:

  • Skills assessment: personalised support with a career development advisor to take stock of your skills and professional aptitudes.
  • Validation des acquis de l'expérience (VAE): a system that allows you to have the skills you have acquired through your professional experience recognised in order to obtain a diploma or certification.
  • Training assistance: financial aid to help you follow a training course in line with your career plans.
  • Help with setting up or taking over a business: advice and financial assistance for setting up or taking over a business.

Retraining is not compulsory if you want to change careers. It is also possible to stay in the same job and move from a large company to a family business, or from salaried employment to self-employment.

If you choose to change jobs, the type of training you need will depend on the job you want to do and the skills you need to do it. Depending on the training organisation, you can choose :

Short courses: which can enable you to quickly acquire the skills you need to practise a new profession in your sector of activity, e.g. training in IT, office automation, foreign languages, etc.

Qualifying training: training leading to a diploma or certificate, enabling you to obtain a qualification or certification recognised on the job market, such as a BTS, DUT, professional licence or professional qualification, giving you access to new job opportunities.

Work-linked training: combining theoretical training and work experience in a company, this can enable you to acquire practical skills in a trade while being paid.

Distance learning: online or e-learning can be an interesting option for those with geographical or family constraints.

The Compte Personnel de Formation de Transition Professionnelle (CPF-TP) is a retraining scheme that allows employees to finance training to retrain professionally and decide on a future career. Since 1 January 2019, it has replaced the Congé Individuel de Formation (CIF).

The CPF for professional transition allows employees to follow a training course of their choice, as part of a professional retraining project, while receiving remuneration during their training. The training must be taken outside working hours or during a period of reduced activity.

Employees eligible for the CPF de transition professionnelle must have a certain length of service with their current company and be on a permanent or fixed-term contract. The number of hours of training funded depends on how long the employee has been with the company.

To benefit from the CPF for professional transition, employees must submit a request to their employer and to the funding body, such as the Fongecif or the Opco (skills operators). The training is funded by these bodies.

The CPF for professional transition is an interesting opportunity for employees who want to challenge their professional careers and retrain, by offering them a financing solution to follow a training course and acquire the skills they need to change jobs.

Find out more about professional retraining
