Group coaching
according to Coaching & Coaching

The aim of group support is to strengthen or recreate links between the company, its teams and individual employees, with opportunities for discussion and collective action.

  • I work in an approach of building together, while respecting each other's role
  • I take into account the "nodes" that exist at each level
  • I work from economic, organisational and cultural issues specific to each company
  • I draw on existing resources and actions already taken to help teams improve their performance. adjust over time to changes in the company's strategy
    the company

Team coaching

Team dynamics

Team dynamics

My main interventions in group coaching

Embracing change

I work for assess where teams are in terms of change (right on the edge or in progress), and identify how to transform individual resistance into a collective dynamic for changeby changing habits.


Team cohesion

I help build the conditions necessary for team building: how defusing conflict (old and newly generated in this context of change) and streamline collaboration (both internally and externally) through exchange and mutual professional support.

How group coaching works with Coaching & Coaching

Workshops with teamsI work with my certified coaching partners on these face-to-face sessions in French or English.

I suggest a system targeted to specific profiles: executive teams (executive committee), teams of managers, etc. It complements other transformations already underway in the organisation, to multiply its effects. And I combine team coaching, when appropriate, with meeting facilitation and individual coaching.

2 financing options

  • With your training budget, thanks to my Qualiopi certification
  • Or directly with a dedicated budget

Successful team coaching enables a team to work together more effectively to achieve its objectives. This obviously involves sharing best practice in relation to the professional issues encountered. Here are a few key characteristics of successful team coaching:

  • Successful team coaching starts with a clear definition of the team's objectives. Development objectives must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART). The coach helps the team to identify and clarify objectives to ensure that all team members adhere to the common goals, and to the resulting changes.
  • Team coaching Successful team coaching must include an honest and constructive assessment of the team's current situation, its operating methods and the collective issues at stake. The team coach must help the team to identify its strengths and weaknesses, to stimulate good team dynamics/mutual trust, a sense of belonging and effective modes of communication.
  • The team coach must help the team to draw up a concrete action plan to plan and implement actions, detailing the tasks, operating rules, responsibilities and deadlines in the roadmap.
  • Depending on the team profile, the development of collective skills can include training sessions, team-building exercises and activities to strengthen collective intelligence and communication. Individual coaching may also be envisaged for one of the team members at the same time as or at the end of the team coaching.
  • Team coaching can include regular monitoring and evaluation of collective performance. The team coach can help the team to measure progress towards common objectives and to identify areas for continuous improvement and new responses to be implemented at the end of the coaching sessions.
  • and the new responses to be put in place.

Whether undergone or provoked, change generates uncertainty and anxiety within teams. This type of business coaching helps to (re)create a collective dynamic to act on the new common future that is taking shape, by enabling teams to :

  • (Re)mobilising around a new vision, shared values and a common project
  • Develop their cohesion and co-responsibility for the success of change
  • Improving collective efficiency through new practices
  • (Re)developing their relationships with their environment (other entities, etc.)

I've taken two courses in individual and group professional coaching, and every year I continue to dedicate time to developing my practice and posture, particularly in systemic coaching.

All my expertise is now recognised in France with RNCP certification (Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles) and internationally with ICF certification (International Coaching Federation).

And since launching my professional coaching activity, I have chosen to be supervised by a psychosociologist during regular supervision sessions.



Find out more about group coaching
