
One of the main challenges facing businesses today is the succession of disruptive phenomena. They require new strategies, new processes and, of course, new behaviours. Digital transformation and the race to harness artificial intelligence, combined with changes in behaviour at work and at home, are [...]


Retraining is a challenge at any age, but for senior managers the stakes are often higher. With one, two or three decades of experience, a well-established reputation and a network of high-level contacts, the idea of starting afresh seems like a monumental change. Whether this is due to a change of interest, [...]


Even if you're an experienced leader who worked wonders in your previous post, the possibility of failure when taking up a new position is real. Particularly if your transition involves a change of geographical area, scope, company size or sector. You know that the first six months [...]


If you're a manager, HR or executive, you're probably spending time you don't have looking for new recruits in a managerial market that has become competitive once again. Faced with new generations of professionals who are more aware of the impact of their role in the workplace, and more broadly in society, building motivated teams is a [...]


Why use co-development in business? Co-development is an appropriate response for companies seeking greater efficiency in a context of change. It aims to facilitate changes in work organisation and decision-making. Why is this? Because this experiential approach relies on the ability of each individual to [...]


With the economy in the doldrums or not, few companies take the step of making someone redundant on the spur of the moment. But they may use more or less implicit methods to get you to leave on your own, by resignation or contractual redundancy. Without going as far as moral harassment, they may put you in a situation of work overload, or on the contrary [...].


Business leaders don't question the usefulness of consulting assignments. Business coaching is still a long way off. And if it is often seen as costly - something that can easily be challenged - it's because the benefits of this approach are still unclear. With Jean-Michel Janoueix, former manager and executive coach, [...]


With 23,700,000 search results on Google, the return on investment (ROI) of business coaching is of great interest to many people. With Jean-Michel Janoueix, a former manager and executive coach, we explored the literature on the subject: what studies have been published on the ROI of coaching? what do they say? what arguments do they put forward for [...].


In the Lotto of fashionable concepts, 'comfort zone' and 'VUCA' are very popular. You probably think you know what they mean... Among the questions most asked on Google about the former are "why you need to get out of your comfort zone" or "is it wrong to [...]".


Have you ever counted the number of studies that say that a majority of French/Europeans/Americans/etc. are worried and say that uncertainty is detrimental to their performance and well-being at work? Uncertainty means wondering whether you'll be hired for the job you're aiming for, whether you'll get the annual pay rise you're looking for, and whether you'll [...].


You're taking your first steps on the job-hunting market after several years with the same company. And perhaps you feel as if you've just split up after a long relationship and don't know how to go about picking up women... That's normal! In this article, I explore [...]


All organisations, whatever their size, are faced with change in one way or another. At a time when change is multiplying, the willingness of teams to support change within their company has fallen from 74% in 2016 to 43% in 2022 (Gartner). Why is this happening, and what can be done about it?


How many companies resulting from the merger of several entities or the takeover of other companies have seen their overall value fall? Despite the considerable financial, commercial and legal expertise required, the examples are legion... This begs the question: what dynamics are sufficiently powerful to scupper hopes of economies of scale and multiplier [...]?


Becoming a manager's manager after having managed an operational team is a real change of position. Because leading a team and helping managers to lead their teams are two different approaches. How do you stand back and gain perspective while maintaining close contact with all your teams and their direct managers? Contents [...]


In a foggy economic environment, managers are all asking themselves the same questions: how do we act? How can they prepare their teams and get them on board for the changes ahead? Contents Change: what's new in companies? Why is your mindset about change important? What are the [...]


After 5, 10 or 15 years in the same company, it's normal to have professional doubts, to wonder about the meaning of your job or your working conditions. Moving on to the next stage in your career is becoming increasingly tempting. But what do you do after working in the same place for a long time? Contents [...]


Coaching is not a miracle cure. And many companies waste money offering coaching to managers who are simply not ready to be coached. And the quality of the coach won't change a thing... Contents Why is it important to ask the question before offering coaching? What are the [...]


Resignations and staff turnover have risen sharply since the pandemic, and companies are actively seeking (and in some sectors struggling) to recruit. Against this backdrop, employees are looking elsewhere before thinking about changing jobs internally. Why are so few open to internal mobility? And as [...]
