Global mobility

International mobility is one of the major themes of adaptation, evolution and cultural adjustment within companies.

The challenges of international mobility for your employees

Different challenges for different situations

Of course, spending part of your career abroad is always a good idea. risk-taking for employees and their spouses. But there are many other situations that don't involve changing countries and require new skills: taking on responsibilities with a global scope, managing an international project, working in a multicultural team, etc.

That's why today we talk less about "global mobility" and more about "mobility". "distributed global workforcesMercer's research, Shifting from relocation management to global talent brokering, 2023).

employees realise afterwards that they had not properly anticipated the cultural challenges before leaving for their new country of expatriation
(Expat communication barometer, 2022).
of expatriate spouses, expatriation is a hindrance to their career
(Expat communication barometer, 2022).

of companies benefit from the way in which international talent has broadened their perspectives and developed a more inclusive mindset during their assignment abroad once they have returned to their home region.

(Expat communication barometer, 2022).

It is important for companies to take into account several challenges when planning mobility policy and managing international mobility of their employees.

Read also : what are the multicultural management issues involved in an international merger?

Our approach to supporting your employees' international mobility

Expatriate employees, whether French nationals moving abroad or internationals arriving in France, face three major challenges in their mobility projects: adapting to a new culture, international management and preparing for the next stage of their career.

The main objectives of my support are to

Improving the integration of international employees when they take up their new posts, to ensure their long-term loyalty in France,
Raising awareness of intercultural issues so that teams can work effectively with different cultures,
Supporting spouses in their job search in France, because the success of an employee's integration also depends on their spouse's professional development.

Let's work together!

Coaching & Coaching can support you every step of the way with tailor-made solutions.

Until we can work together, here are a few ideas to encourage successful career mobility internationally :

mobilité internationale - employés assis à une table - coaching & coaching


Frequently asked questions about international mobility

  1. Global mobility employees This type of mobility involves a short-term stay by an employee of a company to a subsidiary in another country for professional reasons.
  2. Global mobility expatriates This type of mobility involves an employee of one company moving to a subsidiary in another country for an extended period for professional reasons.
  3. Global mobility international workers and foreign employees This type of mobility involves a worker moving from one country to another to work for a foreign company.

An international mobility programme is designed by the Human Resources department of an organisation or company to offer its employees the chance to work and live in other countries for a certain period of time. This programme of individual projects encourages employees' professional and personal development, as it gives them the opportunity to acquire new skills, explore different cultures and create new networks, depending on job opportunities.

Thanks to an international mobility programme, employees have the opportunity to practise their profession abroad, take part in training courses and workshops and engage in intercultural dialogue. They improve their skills and gain a global perspective.

Employees with the necessary qualifications can be selected to take part in mobility programmes and receive support to help them settle abroad. This type of programme also strengthens the company's ability to operate in different countries and to recruit talent from all over the world.

In business, these terms are usually used interchangeably. If we go a step further, multiculturalism refers to several cultural groups that coexist with little interaction between them. Interculturalism, on the other hand, refers to groups where there is a deep mutual understanding and respect for all cultures, and where strong relationships develop. My approach is therefore intercultural. In both cases, it's a question of a specific type of management, of appropriate managerial practices.

I work in an expatriation context: before departure, during expatriation, or on return during the impatriation phase. I also work on multi-country projects with multicultural teams.

I provide support for mobile employees and their spouses who are looking for work, as well as for French teams welcoming a colleague with an international background.

No, of course not! I work from an 'anchor culture' that I know, the French culture. If you're an international coming to work in France, a French person going abroad or returning to France after an expatriation, I can help you. I also have a great deal of experience of Anglo-Saxon culture. But if you're asking me to support a Mexican manager working in Germany with a Turkish team, I'm not the right person for you!
Yes, I also offer training in intercultural intelligence and multicultural management, to develop intercultural skills.
Yes, after my dual Franco-British baccalauréat (A-Levels), I did part of my studies at Trinity College Dublin and worked in London.
I coach in English and French. In practical terms, as a bilingual English speaker, I use English almost like my native French.

Frequently asked questions about my international support services
