Multicultural management
become a better international manager

Multicultural and International Management

The challenges of international mobility and multicultural management

Managers who work internationally and/or in an intercultural context may encounter leadership difficulties. With multicultural teams made up of different nationalities, cultures and personalities, the origins of these difficulties can be managerial, cultural, relational, linguistic, etc.

Multicultural management is important to ensure the success of an organisation in a culturally diverse environment. It also offers a competitive advantage that enables an organisation to differentiate itself from its competitors by exploiting the benefits of cultural diversity, such as creativity and innovation.

Multicultural management, a human resources lever, aims to resolve problems linked to cultural differences: these cultural differences can create communication difficulties between team members, collaboration difficulties, adaptation difficulties, culturally inappropriate management strategies, conflicts within an organisation, etc.

But how can you decode the context, understand the intercultural challenges of team management, adjust your leadership and management style, and work together more effectively?

How do you manage a multicultural team?

Our approach to better support
multicultural management

The main objectives of my support are to

Know your own frame of reference and understand that of others
Identifying the impact of intercultural issues on leadership (stereotypes, misunderstandings, etc.)
Take a step back from the high-stakes situations to which managers working internationally and/or in multicultural teams are often exposed.
Understand how to develop your cultural intelligence to communicate better face-to-face or remotely, in pairs or with a team
Understanding the differences between traditional management and multicultural management.

The advantages of my individual coaching for multicultural management

How does one-to-one coaching work?

Duration and frequency

In general, 6 to 12 sessions of 60 to 90 minutes over 4 to 12 months. These sessions are supported by two 1.5-hour tripartite sessions with the company to validate the shared coaching objectives.


Face-to-face in premises that protect the confidentiality of exchanges (Paris 15th arrondissement) and/or remotely via Zoom.

Let's work together!

Coaching & Coaching can support you every step of the way with tailor-made solutions.

Multicultural Management support services

management multiculturel - employés assis debout autour d'un bureau - coaching & coaching


Frequently asked questions about multicultural management

In business, these terms are usually used interchangeably. If we go a step further, multiculturalism refers to several cultural groups that coexist with little interaction between them. Interculturalism, on the other hand, refers to groups where there is a deep mutual understanding and respect for all cultures, and where strong relationships develop. My approach is therefore intercultural. In both cases, it's about individualised management and appropriate managerial practices.

  intercultural management aims to improve interactions with and between employees from different cultures. Successfully managing a multicultural team helps to sustain professional relations and develop team cohesion, leading to improved performance.

Intercultural management promotes the cross-cultural development of cultural knowledge, intercultural communication skills, positive intercultural relations and respectful attitudes towards other cultures. It aims to :

  1. Gain a better understanding of differences in values, standards and ways of thinking, by learning about cultural differences.
  2. Be aware of your own cultural biases: identify them and show empathy towards people with different cultural perspectives.
  3. Develop intercultural communication skills, such as the ability to listen actively, adapt one's reading grid, use clear and simple language and, if necessary, clarify misunderstandings.
  4. Encourage intercultural relations, for example through team-building activities and events that allow team members to show their curiosity and get to know each other better.
  5. Be more open-minded and respectful of other cultures.

To harness collective intelligence internationally, it is appropriate to encourage diversity and inclusion within the multicultural team. A participative type of team management encourages ideas from all members, values individual skills and facilitates open communication, while respecting the corporate culture. Actively involve international employees in decisions and projects so that they feel integrated and motivated. Foster an international team culture that values cultural differences and encourages collaboration and creativity. This kind of team management will encourage the emergence of synergies to achieve optimum results.

I work in an expatriation context: before departure, during expatriation, or on return during the impatriation phase. I also work on multi-country projects with multicultural teams.
I provide support for mobile employees and their spouses looking for work, as well as for French teams welcoming an international colleague.
No, of course not! I work from an 'anchor culture' that I know, the French culture. If you're an international coming to work in France, a French person going abroad or returning to France after an expatriation, I can help you. I also have a great deal of experience of Anglo-Saxon culture. But if you're asking me to support a Mexican manager working in Germany with a Turkish team, I'm not the right person for you!
Yes, I also offer training in intercultural intelligence and multicultural management, to develop intercultural skills.
Yes, after my dual Franco-British baccalauréat (A-Levels), I did part of my studies at Trinity College Dublin and worked in London.
I coach in English and French. In practical terms, as a bilingual English speaker, I use English almost like my native French.

Frequently asked questions about my international support services
