What is the Codev?

If you're curious about what's behind the term codevthen this article is for you. The Co-development is an increasingly popular approach in professional circles. In a world wherecollective intelligence and collaboration are essential drivers of progress, the codev appears to be an ingenious response to many needs.

Origins and definitions

  professional co-developmentThis innovative approach, often abbreviated to codev, has its roots in Canada thanks to the work of Claude Champagne and Adrien Payette in the 1990s. This innovative approach is based on a simple idea: we learn better together than alone. This method encouragespeer exchange to solve professional problems in a collaborative way, based on real-life situations.

But what exactly does this coaching method involve? Unlike a traditional training approach, codev is a structured process where a group of people share and analyse their professional practices using a precise methodology. The ultimate aim is to encourage professional development of each of the participants, for example their managerial practices. 

The fundamental principles

To fully understand the corporate co-developmentIt is crucial to understand some of its key principles:

  • Volunteering : participants voluntarily choose to join the group.
  • Respect and listening: Each member must respect what others have to say, listen actively and ask open questions.
  • Confidentiality : what is shared within the group stays within the group.
  • Mutual aid : the aim is to help each other rather than criticise the actions of others.
  • Real-life situations The cases discussed and the questions asked all relate to real-life professional situations.

The benefits of the codev

One of the many advantages of codev is that it enables real personal and professional growth. Here are a few concrete benefits from co-development sessions:

Improving professional skills

Thanks to the diversity of experience shared by the members of the group, who often have different areas of expertise, everyone can enrich their professional skills. Visit problem solving and the analysis of the cases presented allow us to see things from different angles and learn new techniques.

Strengthening collective intelligence

By promotinggroup learningthe codev strengthens thecollective intelligence. More than just the sum of individual knowledge, it's a real synergy of intelligence that leads to solutions that are often innovative.

How does a codev session work?

So how does a co-development session work in practice? The structure is generally made up of six stages. These stages guide the group towards in-depth and constructive reflection.

Stage 1: Presenting the problem

During this first phase, the "customer" or the person presenting the problem clearly and succinctly explains their case to the other members of the group. It is important to clearly define the context and the issues at stake.

Stage 2: Clarification

At this stage, the "consultants", i.e. the other members, ask for clarification so that they can better understand the problem. This stage is crucial to avoid any misunderstandings.

Stage 3: Contract

Here, the customer formulates a clear and specific request. This may be asking for advice, looking for solutions, outlining a plan of action or simply getting constructive feedback.

Stage 4: Consultation

This is the heart of the session. The consultants contribute their points of view, ideas and suggestions. They ask open-ended questions to help the client of the day move forward. They discuss without judgement, in a spirit of goodwill and cooperation. Dialogue is essential to the richness of the exchanges.

Stage 5: Summary

The customer then summarises the input received. They express what they have taken away from the discussions and how they intend to use this information to move forward, according to their professional challenges.

Step 6: Regulation

The group finishes by evaluating the session. Everyone gives their feedback on how the meeting went and how effective it was. This stage also helps to improve future sessions.

Who can benefit from the codev?

The codev is not reserved for a particular type of profession. Managers, teachers, doctors, entrepreneurs - everyone can benefit. Its application is vast and varied.

Work teams

Within a company, project teams or management teams find the codev a valuable tool for improving group cohesion and optimising decision-making. This peer-to-peer exchange engages each member and strengthens the sense of belonging, thanks to the relationship of trust that is established.

Individuals seeking personal development

For those who wish to progress individually, codev offers a secure space where they can reflect on their actions, receive feedback and adjust their practices. It is an excellent complement to other training or coaching.

Setting up a codev group

Wondering how to set up your own codev group? Here are a few simple steps to get you started:

Selecting participants

Choosing participants who are motivated and open to discussion is essential. Ideally, a group of 6 to 8 people will allow for rich exchanges while remaining manageable.

Defining the essential operating rules

It is crucial to lay down the ground rules from the outset: respect, confidentiality, listening. A group charter can help to formalise these rules.

Leading sessions

Someone with a coaching posture and trained in facilitating codev groups is needed to guide the sessions and maintain an appropriate framework.

Concrete examples of application

It may be useful to highlight some of the successful uses of the codev, to give a concrete idea of its contribution.

In the automotive industry

An R&D department can implement a co-development programme to improve product innovation. By bringing together a project team of engineers, designers and project managers, codev opens up new perspectives in the vehicle interior design process.

In the luxury sector

A high-end luxury fashion brand that wants to improve its customers' in-store experience can launch a co-development programme that brings together salespeople who interact directly with customers, brand managers and product designers who master the creative vision to be implemented.

The codev is a powerful support method that focuses on thecollective intelligence and human interaction to improve professional practices. Whether you're looking to solve specific problems or grow as a professional, joining a codev group could well be the key to your success. This approach supports not only the professional development but also enriches your career in a lasting way.