

I've taken two coaching courses, the first in individual coaching with Initiales Réseau Pluridis, the second in team coaching with Activision, for a total of around fifty days' training.

The two courses I chose have in common their systemic approach. I was interested in taking better account of the tensions that can exist between an individual's career path, a team dynamic and the company's culture. When people come with professional issues, they also bring with them their culture, their work ethic, their managers, their colleagues...
Coaching therefore means finding the right alignment between individuals and structural aspects.

Over the last twenty years, I have also taken hundreds of hours of continuing education courses in public speaking, the enneagram, CVN, mediation, organisational sociology, etc.

I also dedicate around twenty days a year to following a mind-body path with the Soma collective, because coaching constantly confronts us with the limits of our personal development. It was here that I began experimenting with empathic listening and taking language (feelings, thoughts) and non-verbal (physical reactions) into account in coaching.

And if you were to ask why so much training: ongoing training is compulsory for the renewal of my coaching accreditations!

Yes, I've been regularly supervised by a psycho-sociologist since I started my business.

I also regularly do group supervision with peer coaches.

Like continuing education, it's a commitment I'm making to renew my coaching accreditations.

My clients are :

  • Companies, which most often call on me to deal with issues of internal mobility, international mobility and team dynamics.
  • Individuals who finance their own coaching, and who come to see me when they are going through a career change, changing company or moving country.

For individual coaching, I offer one-to-one sessions in Paris (CTD, 105 rue du Théâtre, 75015), or remotely.

In group coaching, I offer workshops with teams, face-to-face, in a venue adapted to the team's needs. I work as a team with my certified coach partners.

I coach in English and French. In practical terms, as a bilingual English speaker, I use English almost like my native French.

If you are a company, you can finance individual or team coaching from your training budget, thanks to my Qualiopi certification.

If you're an individual: I only do "made-to-measure" coaching, so I don't offer "packaged programmes" that can be funded by the CPF.

The systemic approach focuses on the interactions between the individual and his system. Each individual is placed in a system of interactions which he interprets according to his own references and representations. This approach involves taking a global view of human situations as interactions within the "professional world" system, itself broken down into sub-systems such as organisations, companies, etc.

In coaching, we think about how to modify the modes of interaction within each system and sub-system. The systemic approach helps to change the coachee's perspective, to look at the situation from a different angle. They aim to build the solution step by step through experimentation. The solution will thus be built progressively during the coaching sessions through the collaborative work between coach and coachee.